Why do a “Why Does the Prewrath Position Hold to This?” Series?

If someone had asked me a year ago what my position was on the timing of the rapture I would have said, “Pretrib”. If asked why I would’ve said, “Because it’s what the Bible teaches.” And for about thirty years prior to that I would’ve answered the same way. After all, I grew up in doctrinally sound churches and I went to a good Bible college that held to the pretrib position.

If I were then asked to show where in the Bible it says the church is raptured before the tribulation I would have probably said, “Well, it says in the Bible we are not appointed to wrath and since the tribulation is God’s wrath He will rapture us out of here.” I would’ve been pretty proud of myself.

If I were asked those same questions today would I respond the same way? The answer is a resounding no! It was a year ago that I was encouraged by a fellow believer at my church to really become a Berean. This person has an amazing knowledge of the Scriptures. Because of that I embarked on a study of my own looking at Daniel, Revelation, Matthew 24, and 1 and 2 Thessalonians. There are other passages as well that are important in gaining a correct understanding regarding the Lord’s coming and our gathering, Daniel’s 70th week, the day of the Lord, God’s wrath, and the great tribulation. As we go through “Why Does the Prewrath Position Hold to This?” Series, see if you don’t agree with me that the prewrath position is based on very solid, Biblical ground.


Anonymous said...

I agree that we should all be Bereans and truly search out the scriptures. For several months now, I've been posting on a Pre-Trib Rapture Forum called RITA and as expected, I've stepped on a lot of toes there. I've been posting there since this September and you folks can go back and read my occasional comments if you have time and are at all interested. At first, a few of them were rude, but like I told them, "I have tough skin" and I keep those things in perspective and don't allow them to bother me. Anyway, here is one of my latest posts and then following is the link to this particular discussion thread entitled, "Hope vs Hype".

"I would only hope that all students of the Word and in particular eschatology, would employ an exegetical method of interpretation versus an eisegetical method of interpretation. For those who don't know the difference, exegetical means an interpretation and understanding of a text on the basis of the text itself. Whereas, eisegetical means an incorrect explanation of text, especially of the Bible, by distorting the meaning to fit preconceived ideas. For many years, I employed the eisegetical method and didn't even realize it. But now, I employ the exegetical method and allow the facts and truths of scripture to speak for themselves. But, that said, I hope we can continue interacting in mutual love and respect."

Link to the above thread:

Main Link to Forum:

Kathy Hall said...

There are a lot of people just sailing along as I did for so many years. I am finding that there is initial rejection as Kristen said there would be. I hope to at least plant a seed, to encourage believers to search for themselves.